Friday, March 23, 2012

A Wedding, a Funeral, and an Update.

Bring da amber lamps! It's the Very First Occasional ThaOBlogg Travelogue!

Dateline: St. Paul, MN.

My grandmother Lillian (age 96) died in February, so on March 12th I hopped on a plane to attend her memorial service and spend a little time with the rest of the family.

In this case, a little time was about 12 hours, since I landed at MSP around noon on a Monday and got on a plane back to SJC at 6 AM the next day. I got to see some rarely-seen family members (basically all of them) and some extremely rarely-seen family members (hadn't seen aunt Marisa in about 30 years). I broke my beer-fast with a Bell's Porter, which was as delicious as I remembered it. I spent what will likely be my last night in the house where I grew up, as ThaOMomm and ThaODadd are preparing to move into a condo (no stairs, no yard maintenance). Maybe it was the wet weather and the brown, dormant grass of late winter, but my old neighborhood looked a hell of a lot dumpier than I remembered it. There were chickens roaming the streets fercrisesakes. I had a chance to run while I was there, but chose to spend all of my limited time either hanging out with the family or sleeping.

Dateline: Pasadena, CA.

On a much happier note, my good friend Rajiv got married on Saint Patrick's Day. Cupcake and Junior were kind enough to give me another one-day pass to attend. I got to meet the bride, who looked lovely and was incredibly nice and friendly. Good job, Raj. Here is the happy couple tearing it up during their first dance. Sorry for the craptacular camera work.

I got to hang out with Erin and Mike Oxlong* and their kids, which is always a hoot. My opinion of Los Angeles did not change. It's still a nightmare.

Dateline: The Vale, CA

Despite a small setback in Junior's sleeping (That Measels, Mumps, and Rubella vaccine does pack a wallop.), my mileage is creeping up into the respectable range. My last track workout of 4 x 1 mile was, on average, about 5 seconds/mile better than it was 3 weeks prior despite windy conditions. Monday's tempo run went well, too, with my pace edging ever closer to 6:00/mile. And I can now manage 3 pull ups...almost 4. Yee fucking ha!

* Not their real last name...duh. Their real last name is Oxinfected.

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